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Writer's picture真恩堂

为教会祷告: 愿忠心的牧师/传道们能藉着圣经训练教会的成员们各尽其职。(三之三)



彼得前书 5:1-4:「我这作长老、作基督受苦的见证、同享后来所要显现之荣耀的,劝你们中间与我同作长老的人,务要牧养在你们中间神的群羊,按着神旨意照管他们。不是出于勉强,乃是出于甘心,也不是因为贪财,乃是出于乐意; 也不是辖制所托付你们的,乃是作群羊的榜样。 到了牧长显现的时候,你们必得那永不衰残的荣耀冠冕。」




问题: 彼得前书5:1-4中,彼得对牧师/传道们的要求包含哪些关键点?






问题: 根据彼得前书5:1-4,牧师/传道作为群羊的榜样在教会中扮演什么角色?






Pray for the church: May faithful elders/pastors train the members of the church in their duties through the Bible. (3 of 3)


Not only do elders/pastors need to set an example in the faith, but they also need to teach the truths of the faith to the next generation. When elders/pastors faithfully use the Scriptures to teach the members of the church, they promote unity and spiritual growth within the church, and help the members of the church to discern the truth, stand firm in their faith, and resist false teaching.


1 Peter 5:1-4: "To the elders among you, I appeal as a fellow elder, a witness of Christ's sufferings and one who also will share in the glory to be revealed: Be shepherds of God's flock that is under your care, serving as overseers--not because you must, but because you are willing, as God wants you to be; not greedy for money, but eager to serve; not lording it over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock. And when the Chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the crown of glory that will never fade away. "


This passage is a call by Peter as an elder to those who are also elders/pastors in the Christian church, and he asks them to shepherd God's flock with God's will, not out of selfish motives, but out of love and faithfulness, not to oppress believers with power, but to be an example to the flock by influencing lives with their lives. This is an example of discipleship, from the elders/pastors to the believers, following each other's example, glorifying each other, and hoping in each other. This is the kind of discipleship culture that we should pursue and display in our churches.


Question: What are the key points of Peter's request to the elders/pastors in 1 Peter 5:1-4?


Reference Answer:


Peter makes several key requests of the elders/pastors in this passage: First, they should shepherd God's flock according to His will, which means that they should serve out of obedience to God and love for the flock, not out of personal gain or coercion.


Secondly, elders/pastors should not serve out of reluctance or greed for money, but out of willingness and readiness, which emphasises the purity of heart and motive in ministry.


Finally, elders/pastors are called to serve as an example to the flock, which involves not only teaching by word, but more importantly teaching by example, displaying the image of Christ through their own lives and behaviour. These requirements are designed to ensure that the elders/pastors are able to shepherd God's church in a manner pleasing to God, and to promote the healthy growth of the church and the flourishing of the spiritual life.


Question: According to 1 Peter 5:1-4, what is the role of elders/pastors in the church as role models for the flock?


Reference Answer: 


In 1 Peter 5:1-4, elders/pastors play a vital role as examples to the flock. They are not only leaders who teach and instruct, but they model the image of Christ and spiritual principles through their own lives. The behaviour, decision-making and lifestyle of the elders/pastors have a profound impact on the believers and can motivate and inspire church members to pursue holiness and obedience in their faith and life. In addition, elders/pastors who serve as role models help to build a culture of trust and respect and promote unity and mutual support within the church. Through their example, elders/pastors help believers to understand and practice the teachings of the Bible so that the church becomes a community that embodies the love and truth of Christ.

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