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Mon, 01 Jan



你的话是我脚前的灯,是我路上的光。 (诗119:105)


Time & Location

01 Jan 2024, 12:00 am AWST – 31 Dec 2024, 11:50 pm AWST

Malaga, 41 Action Rd, Malaga WA 6090, Australia

About the event







1. 增强对圣经的理解和记忆

  • 深度学习:手抄过程要求我们逐字逐句地阅读和书写,这样的深度接触使我们更容易理解和记忆圣经内容。
  • 细致洞察:手抄使我们有机会反复思考圣经的每一个词汇和句子,从而发现之前可能忽略的细节和深层含义。

2. 提升个人的属灵生活

  • 内心静修:手抄圣经是一种默念形式,帮助我们在日常忙碌中找到平静和专注于上帝的时刻。
  • 灵性成长:通过亲自书写上帝的话语,我们可以更加深刻地体验圣经的力量和神的同在。

3. 培养耐心、专注和自律

  • 耐心修炼:手抄是一个缓慢且需要持续专注的过程,它教会我们在追求属灵目标时的耐心。
  • 专注提升:在这个多干扰的时代,手抄圣经要求我们长时间专注于一个任务,这有助于提升我们的专注力。

4. 加强教会的团契和共同体意识

  • 共同参与:整个教会共同参与手抄项目,增强了团体间的联系和归属感。
  • 分享和交流:手抄过程中的体验和领悟可以在小组或教会中分享,促进彼此的交流和鼓励。

5. 传承和保护圣经的传统

  • 文化传承:手抄圣经是一种古老的实践,它连接我们与过去世代的信徒,延续圣经学习的历史传统。
  • 艺术表达:手抄过程还可以成为一种艺术创作,每个人的字迹和布局都体现了个人对圣经内容的独特理解和表达。






• 可以让我们更深刻地体会上帝的信实和恩慈,他不会永远丢弃他的百姓,而是会按照他的应许,带领他们归回故土,恢复他们的荣耀。

• 可以让我们更清楚地认识尼希米的榜样和品格,他是一个敬虔、智慧、勇敢、公正、谦卑、无私的领袖,他为了上帝的国度,不惜牺牲自己的地位和利益,甚至不取省长的俸禄,而是用自己的财物帮助穷苦的百姓。

• 可以让我们更明白地了解重建城墙的意义和价值,它不仅是一项政治和军事的工程,也是一项信仰和灵性的工程。城墙是保卫百姓的屏障,也是彰显上帝的荣耀的标志。城墙的建立,使百姓能够安居乐业,敬畏上帝,避免外邦的影响和侵犯。

• 可以让我们更认真地思考自己的责任和使命,我们作为上帝的子民,应当如何在今天的世界中,建立和保守上帝的国度。我们应当如何在团契和教会中,互相扶持和配搭,共同完成上帝的旨意。我们应当如何在个人和家庭中,遵守上帝的话语,实践上帝的道德。





• 可以让我们更尊重和支持教会的领袖和事工个人,他们是上帝所拣选和设立的,他们要为上帝和上帝的百姓负责,他们要遵守严格的标准和要求,他们要面对各种的挑战和困难。

• 可以让我们更谨慎和警惕教会的敌人和各种危机,他们是魔鬼的工具和代理,他们要扭曲和破坏上帝的真理,他们要引诱和迷惑上帝的百姓,他们要造成纷争和分裂。

• 可以让我们更爱慕和效法保罗和提摩太的榜样和品格,他们是上帝的仆人和使者,他们忠心和忠诚地服侍上帝,他们谦卑和顺服地听从上帝,他们坚定和坚忍地跟随上帝。

• 可以让我们更珍惜和运用上帝的话语和恩典,它们是上帝给我们的礼物和武器,它们教导和矫正我们,它们安慰和鼓励我们,它们指引和保守我们。


Hand-copying the Bible:

A Journey to a Deeper Understanding of Nehemiah, 1 Timothy, and 2 Timothy

Dear brothers and sisters of Calvary Methodist Church, peace be with you!

In this era of information overload, we are exposed to various kinds of text every day. Some are beneficial, some are not, and some may even be harmful. Can we still calm our hearts to focus on reading and contemplating the Word of God? Can we still treasure and make good use of the Bible in our hands?

To help us delve deeper into reading and experiencing the truth of the Bible, the Australian Chinese Methodist Church has specially launched a Hand-copying the Bible activity. This challenging and meaningful activity allows us to write God’s Word with our own hands, inscribing it in our hearts and lives. We encourage everyone to take some time daily to participate in this activity. With perseverance and sincerity, this task can be accomplished. We also encourage everyone to reflect and pray during your writing process, letting the light and inspiration of the Holy Spirit accompany our hands and hearts.

Hand-copying the Bible is not only a traditional spiritual practice but also an effective way to deepen faith and enhance personal spiritual life. Some key benefits of hand-copying the Bible include:

1. Enhanced Understanding and Memory of the Bible

Deep learning: The process of hand-copying requires reading and writing word by word, allowing for deeper understanding and memory of the Bible’s content.

Detailed insight: Hand-copying gives us the opportunity to repeatedly consider every word and sentence of the Bible, discovering details and deeper meanings that may have been previously overlooked.

2. Enhancing Personal Spiritual Life

Inner contemplation: Hand-copying the Bible is a form of meditation, helping us find peace and focus on God amidst daily busyness.

Spiritual growth: Writing God’s Word ourselves allows us to experience more profoundly the power of the Bible and God’s presence.

3. Cultivating Patience, Focus, and Self-discipline

Patience training: Hand-copying is a slow process requiring continuous focus, teaching us patience in pursuing spiritual goals.

Enhanced concentration: In this era of distractions, hand-copying the Bible demands long periods of focus on a single task, helping to improve our concentration.

4. Strengthening Church Fellowship and Community Awareness

Collective participation: The entire church's involvement in the hand-copying project strengthens the connections and sense of belonging within the group.

Sharing and communication: Experiences and insights gained during hand-copying can be shared in small groups or church settings, promoting mutual encouragement and exchange.

5. Preservation and Transmission of Biblical Tradition

Cultural heritage: Hand-copying the Bible is an ancient practice, connecting us with past generations of believers and continuing the historical tradition of Bible study.

Artistic expression: The hand-copying process can also become a form of artistic creation, with each person’s hand-copying and layout reflecting their unique understanding and expression of the Bible’s content.

In 2024, our Hand-copying the Bible task includes the Old Testament book of Nehemiah and the New Testament books of 1 Timothy and 2 Timothy. These three books are very valuable and enlightening, allowing us to understand God’s deeds and will from different perspectives, and to reflect on our faith and life at various levels. Below, we briefly introduce the content and features of these three books, hoping to spark everyone's interest and enthusiasm to participate in the Hand-copying the Bible activity.

The Book of Nehemiah

The Book of Nehemiah, a historical book in the Old Testament, records Nehemiah's leadership in rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem and implementing religious and social reforms after the Jews returned from exile. Nehemiah, the cupbearer to King Artaxerxes of Persia and a trusted royal official, pleaded with the king to allow him to return to Jerusalem to rebuild its walls after hearing of the city's dilapidated state. The king granted his request, appointing him the governor of Judah and providing the necessary resources and protection. In Jerusalem, Nehemiah organised the people, overcoming mockery and hindrances from enemies, internal strife, and poverty, to rebuild the city walls in fifty-two days - a remarkable achievement demonstrating God’s grace and power, as well as the faith and courage of Nehemiah and the people.

The Book of Nehemiah is not only a historical record but also a teaching book. It instructs us on how to rely on God to accomplish the tasks He entrusts us with, even in hardship and persecution. It teaches us how to protect and build God’s people, both materially and spiritually. It guides us in following God’s laws, practicing justice and mercy, and worshipping and praising God. The Book of Nehemiah is a book that encourages, motivates, and transforms us.

Benefits of hand-copying the Book of Nehemiah include:

Experiencing God’s faithfulness and kindness, as He never abandons His people but leads them back to their homeland and restores their glory.

RecognisingNehemiah's exemplary character as a pious, wise, brave, just, humble, and selfless leader, sacrificing his status and benefits for God’s kingdom.

Understanding the significance and value of rebuilding the city walls, not only as a political and military project but also as a spiritual endeavor. The walls served as a defense for the people and a symbol of God’s glory, enabling them to live in peace, fear God, and resist foreign influence.

Contemplating our responsibility and mission as God’s people, how we should build and protect God’s kingdom in today’s world, support each other in fellowship and church, and uphold God’s Word in personal and family life.

The Letters to Timothy

1 and 2 Timothy are two letters in the New Testament, written by the Apostle Paul to his capable assistant and beloved spiritual son, Timothy. Timothy, of mixed heritage with a Greek father and Jewish mother, was well-versed in the Scriptures from a young age, thanks to his grandmother and mother. He later became Paul’s co-worker, accompanying him in preaching and earning Paul’s trust and praise. Paul wrote these letters to instruct and encourage Timothy in managing and shepherding the church at Ephesus in his absence. 1 Timothy mainly addresses church order and responsibilities, and warns against heresies and false teachers. 2 Timothy focuses on Paul’s suffering and perseverance, encouraging Timothy to maintain his faith, preach the gospel, endure persecution, and look forward to glory.

The Letters to Timothy are not just epistles but also teaching books. They guide us on how to establish qualified leaders and workers in the church according to God’s will, teach correct doctrines and lifestyles according to God’s Word, and build healthy relationships and witness in God’s grace. They instruct us to be loyal to God’s mission and calling in the world, to bravely witness for the Lord, to steadfastly suffer for the Lord, and to triumph for the Lord’s kingdom. The Letters to Timothy are books that encourage, motivate, and transform us.

Benefits of hand-copying the Letters to Timothy include:

Respecting and supportingchurch leaders and workers who are chosen and appointed by God, accountable to God and His people, adhering to strict standards and facing various challenges.

Being watchful and vigilantagainst enemies of the church and various crises, who distort and destroy God’s truth, tempt and deceive God’s people, and cause strife and division.

Emulating the examples and character of Paul and Timothy, God’s servants and messengers, serving God faithfully and loyally, humbly and obediently following God, and steadfastly enduring for God.

Treasuring and utilising God’s Word and grace, teaching and correcting us, comforting and encouraging us, guiding and protecting us.

Dear brothers and sisters, the Hand-copying the Bible activity is very meaningful and beneficial. It brings us closer to God, increases our knowledge and love of God. It clarifies God’s will and plan for us, helps us obey God’s Word and commands, and glorifies God’s name and kingdom. It promotes our growth and renewal, maturity and perfection, fruitfulness, and witness. We sincerely hope that everyone will actively participate in this activity. Do not consider it laborious or boring, but rather joyful and beneficial. We believe that as we write God’s Word with our hands, God will also write His Word in our hearts and lives. May God continue to bless, protect, and guide us in 2024, Amen!

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Calvary Methodist Church

of Chinese Methodist Church In Australia

©2023 by 澳洲基督教华人卫理公会真恩堂 

©2023 Calvary Methodist Church

of Chinese Methodist Church In Australia

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