Calvary Methodist Church
of Chinese Methodist Church in Australia

Our Ministries
Welcome to Calvary Methodist Church, a vibrant and loving community where you can deepen your relationship with God, connect with others, and grow in your faith. We offer a range of ministries to help you on your journey, including Sunday services, adult and youth Bible study groups, women's Bible study group, adult choir, youth fellowship and Adult fellowship groups. Whether you're just starting to explore your faith or you've been a Christian for many years, you'll find a warm and welcoming home at Calvary Methodist Church.
Get to Know Us
At Calvary Methodist Church, we are passionate about sharing the love of Christ with our community. We believe that faith should be practiced in community and we welcome all who seek to grow in their Christian faith. Here are just a few things that make our church a great choice for families and children:
Family-friendly environment: We understand the importance of creating a welcoming and family-friendly environment for our community. That's why we offer a range of ministries to cater to the needs of families and children, including Sunday Service, Youth Fellowship, Women Fellowship, Adult Fellowship, Choir, Bible Study Groups, and children's Sunday school.
Multicultural community: Our congregation consists of Chinese-speaking people and English-speaking people, making our community a multicultural and diverse one. We believe that this diversity enriches our community and helps us to learn from one another.
Warm and welcoming community: At Calvary Methodist Church, we strive to create a warm and welcoming community for all who enter our doors. We believe that faith should be practiced in community, and we are passionate about sharing the love of Christ with our community.
Engaging sermons: The sermon is given in Chinese and is interpreted by an interpreter who stands next to the preacher, ensuring that everyone can understand and engage with the message. Our sermons are thought-provoking, engaging, and designed to help you grow in your Christian faith.
We would love for you to come and check out Calvary Methodist Church for yourself. We are confident that you will find our church to be a welcoming and inclusive community that is passionate about sharing the love of Christ with our community. Whether you are a believer or an unbeliever, we welcome you with open arms and look forward to getting to know you better.
• 家庭友好的环境:我们理解为社会创造一个温馨的和家庭友好的环境的重要性。这就是为什么我们提供一系列服务,以满足家庭和儿童的需求,包括主日崇拜、青年团契、妇女团契、成年团契,唱诗班、查经班和儿童主日学。
• 多元文化的教会:我们的教众由讲中文和讲英文的人组成,使我们的教会成为一个多元文化的团体。我们相信这种多样性丰富了我们的教会,帮助我们相互学习。
• 热情友好的教会:在真恩堂卫理公会教会,我们努力创建一个热情友好的教会,欢迎所有进入我们教会的人。我们相信,信仰应该在教会中实践,我们热情地与社会分享基督的爱。
• 吸引人的讲道:讲道用中文演讲,并由一个译员在讲道者旁边进行翻译,确保每个人都能理解和参与信息的传递。我们的讲道思想深刻,引人入胜,旨在帮助您在基督信仰中成长。