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为教会祷告: 愿门训文化得以形成 (二)

Writer's picture: 真恩堂真恩堂



提摩太后书 2:2:「你在许多见证人面前听见我所教训的,也要交托那忠心能教导别人的人。」




问题: 根据提摩太后书2:2,保罗对提摩太提出了怎样的要求,并且这个要求对今天的基督徒有什么样的启示?







问题: 在教会中建立门训文化的意义是什么,根据提摩太后书2:2,这种文化如何实现?






Pray for the Church: May a culture of discipleship be formed (2)


In this culture, "building others up to become disciples" is the norm in the Christian life.


2 Timothy 2:2: "And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable men who will also be qualified to teach others."


This verse is Paul's charge to Timothy to pass on the truths he has learnt to the next generation of believers so that they too can teach others. This is a chain of discipleship,  from Paul to Timothy, and then from Timothy to the rest of the faithful, and so on. This is the model of a discipleship culture that we should emulate and develop in our churches.


Question: According to 2 Timothy 2:2, what is Paul's charge to Timothy and what does this charge say to Christians today?


Reference Answer:


Paul asks Timothy in 2 Timothy 2:2 to pass on the truths he has learned to those who are faithful and able to teach others. This is not just an act of individual transmission but establishes a chain of transmission that creates a culture of discipleship. For Christians today, this reveals that we should be actively involved in building and developing a culture of discipleship in our churches, not only by learning the truth, but also by passing on what we have learnt to others, especially those who are able to continue to pass on the truth.



Question: What is the significance of establishing a culture of discipleship in the church, and how is this culture to be achieved according to 2 Timothy 2:2?


Reference Answer:


The significance of establishing a culture of discipleship is to promote the spiritual growth of church members and the transmission of the truth, so that every believer can be nurtured spiritually and nurture others. According to 2 Timothy 2:2, this culture can be achieved through mutual teaching and learning among believers. Specifically, mature believers like Paul should pass on their knowledge and experience to younger believers like Timothy, who in turn pass on the truths they have learned to other faithful people. In this way, a culture of discipleship can be formed and developed in the church.



Calvary Methodist Church

of Chinese Methodist Church In Australia

©2023 by 澳洲基督教华人卫理公会真恩堂 

©2023 Calvary Methodist Church

of Chinese Methodist Church In Australia

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