Bible Quiz - Nehemiah (Fill-in-the-Blank)
Updated: Aug 6
问题: 尼希米在听到耶路撒冷的消息后,他坐下哭泣,悲哀了几天,并且在神面前_______和_______,向天上的神祷告。
答案: 禁食,祈祷。(参考v.1:4)
问题: 尼希米在王面前从来没有显出过愁容,所以王问他说:“你既没有病,为什么面带愁容呢?这不是别的,必是你__________。”
答案: 心中愁烦。(参考v.2:2)
问题: 当敌人听见我们修造城墙的工作进展顺利,城墙的破口逐渐被修好,就甚发怒。众人同谋要来攻击耶路撒冷,使城内__________。
答案: 扰乱。(参考v.4:8)
问题: 有些人说:“我们和儿女人口众多,要去得粮食__________。”
答案: 度命。(参考v.5:2)
问题: 参巴拉和基善多次想要让尼希米与他们会面,但尼希米知道他们的用意是要__________。
答案: 害他。(参考v.6:2)
问题: 城墙修完后,我就安门,派了守门的、歌唱的、和__________。
答案: 利未人。 (参考v.7:1)
问题: 以斯拉站在为这事特备的木台上,在众人面前打开书,众人就都站起来。当他颂赞耶和华至大的神时,众民都举手应声说:“阿们,阿们 !” 就低头,__________,敬拜耶和华。
答案:面伏于地 (参考v.8:6)
问题: 以色列人聚集禁食,身穿麻衣,头蒙灰尘,分别出来站在自己的地方,用那日的__________时间念耶和华他们神的律法书,又用那日的__________时间认罪,敬拜耶和华他们的神。
答案: 四分之一,四分之一。(参考v.9:3)
问题: 《尼希米记》第十章提到,百姓立了约,要遵守神的律法,不把女儿嫁给__________的居民,也不为儿子娶他们的女儿。
答案: 这地 (参考v.10:30)
问题: 百姓用__________的方式来决定哪十分之一的人将迁入__________。
答案: 掣签,耶路撒冷。(参考v.11:1)
问题: 当所罗巴伯和尼希米的时候,以色列众人将歌唱的、守门的,每日所当得的份供给他们,又给利未人当得的份;__________又给亚伦的子孙当得的份。
答案: 利未人。(参考v.12:47)
问题: 第十三章记载说,“在这日,宣读摩西的书给百姓听,书上写着说:“亚扪人和摩押人永不可__________。”
答案: 入神的会。(参考v.13:1)
Fill-in-the-Blank Questions
When Nehemiah heard the news about Jerusalem, he sat down and wept, mourning for several days, and in the presence of God, he _______ and _______, praying to the God of heaven.
Answer: Fasted, prayed. (Reference: v.1:4)
Nehemiah had never appeared sad in the king's presence before, so the king asked him, "Why does your face look so sad when you are not ill? This can be nothing but _______."
Answer: Sadness of heart. (Reference: v.2:2)
Eliashib the high priest and his fellow priests went to work and rebuilt the Sheep Gate. They _______ and put its doors in place, building as far as the Tower of the Hundred, which they consecrated, and as far as the Tower of Hananel.
Answer: Consecrated it (or “Dedicated it” ref. NIV), (Reference: v.3:1)
When our enemies heard that we were rebuilding the wall and that the gaps were being closed, they were very angry. They all plotted together to come and fight against Jerusalem and stir up _______ in it.
Answer: Trouble. (Reference: v.4:8)
Some of the people said, "We and our sons and daughters are numerous; in order to get grain, we must _______."
Answer: Eat to stay alive. (Reference: v.5:2)
Sanballat and Geshem sent me this message: "Come, let us meet together in one of the villages on the plain of Ono." But they were scheming to _______.
Answer: Harm me. (Reference: v.6:2)
After the wall had been rebuilt and I had set the doors in place, the gatekeepers, the musicians, and the _______ were appointed.
Answer: Levites. (Reference: v.7:1)
Ezra opened the book. All the people could see him because he was standing above them; and as he opened it, the people all stood up. Ezra praised the Lord, the great God; and all the people lifted their hands and responded, "Amen! Amen!" Then they bowed down and _______ and worshiped the Lord.
Answer: With their faces to the ground. (Reference: v.8:6)
The Israelites gathered together, fasting and wearing sackcloth and putting dust on their heads. They stood in their places and read from the Book of the Law of the Lord their God for ________ and spent _______ in confession and in worshiping the Lord their God.
Answer: a quarter of the day, another quarter. (Reference: v.9:3)
Nehemiah Chapter 10 mentions that the people made a binding agreement to follow the Law of God, and not to give their daughters in marriage to the _______ nor take their daughters for their sons.
Answer: Peoples of the land (or “Peoples around them”, ref NIV), (Reference: v.10:30)
The people decided by _______ to bring one out of every ten to live in _______.
Answer: Casting lots, Jerusalem. (Reference: v.11:1)
During the time of Zerubbabel and Nehemiah, all Israel contributed the daily portions for the singers and gatekeepers. They also set aside the portion for the other Levites, and the _______ set aside the portion for the descendants of Aaron.
Answer: Levites. (Reference: v.12:47)
Nehemiah Chapter 13 records, "On that day the Book of Moses was read aloud in the hearing of the people and there it was found written that no Ammonite or Moabite should ever be _______."
Answer: Admitted into the assembly of God. (Reference: v.13:1)