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Bible Quiz - Nehemiah (True or False)



问题: 尼希米记第一章提到,尼希米是波斯王居鲁士王的酒政。

答案: 非。(参考v.1:1, 11)


问题: 尼希米在出发前往耶路撒冷之前,亚达薛西王派了百夫长和步兵护送他。

答案: 非。(参考v.2:9)





问题: 《尼希米记》第四章提到,尼希米和百姓们因为敌人的威胁为了安全暂时停止了城墙的修建。

答案: 非(尽管有敌人的威胁,尼希米和工人们并没有停止修建城墙,而是加强了防御措施,继续工作)。


问题: 《尼希米记》第五章提到,尼希米的仆人也学着尼希米的样子,用自己的钱和粮食无利息地帮助贫困的百姓。

答案: 是。(参考v.5:10)


问题: 尼希米记第六章提到,尼希米在修建城墙的过程中,为对付敌人的威胁,曾一度离开耶路撒冷。

答案: 非(尼希米没有因为敌人的威胁而离开,他一直坚守岗位,直至城墙修建完工)。


问题: 《尼希米记》第七章提到,尼希米清点了从巴比伦被掳归回的以色列人的名单,并详细列出了他们的家谱。

答案: 是。(参考v.:7:5-64)


问题: 《尼希米记》第八章提到,百姓听见律法书的话后都非常喜乐。

答案: 非(百姓听见律法书的话后都哭了,因为明白了自己的罪,参考v.8:9)


问题: 《尼希米记》第九章提到,以色列人认罪悔改,并又与神立盟约写明他们的悔改之意。

答案: 是(参考v.9:2,38)


问题: 《尼希米记》第十章提到,以色列人承诺每年将地上所产的十分之一捐献给当地的穷苦人。

答案: 非。(参考v.10:37)


问题: 《尼希米记》第十一章提到,所有被选中住在耶路撒冷的人都自愿接受这一决定。

答案: 非(并不是所有人都自愿,是通过拈阄的方式选择的,但百姓为那些自愿住在耶路撒冷的人祝福)。(参考v.11:1-2)


问题: 《尼希米记》第十二章提到,尼希米在前面带领第二队游行队伍,在城墙上向北行进,到护卫门站住。

答案: 非。(尼希米是随后,参考v.12:38-39)


问题: 《尼希米记》第十三章提到,尼希米在治理期间,严格遵守了安息日,不允许任何人在安息日做工或进行买卖。

答案: 是。(参考v.13:19-22)


 True or False Questions



Nehemiah Chapter 1 mentions that Nehemiah was the cupbearer to King Cyrus of Persia.

Answer: False. (Reference: v.1:1, 11)



Before Nehemiah set out for Jerusalem, King Artaxerxes sent Centurion and footsoldiers with him.

Answer: False. (Reference: v.2:9)



Nehemiah Chapter 3 mentions that every person who worked on the wall was a resident of Jerusalem.

Answer: False. (Not all the builders were residents of Jerusalem; many came from different places such as Gibeon, Mizpah, and others. Reference: v.3:7, 13)



Nehemiah Chapter 4 mentions that Nehemiah and the people temporarily stopped building the wall because of the threats from their enemies to ensure their safety.

Answer: False. (Despite the threats, Nehemiah and the workers did not stop; they strengthened their defences and continued working.)



Nehemiah Chapter 5 mentions that Nehemiah’s servants, following his example, used their own money and grain to help the poor without charging interest.

Answer: True. (Reference: v.5:10)



Nehemiah Chapter 6 mentions that Nehemiah left Jerusalem temporarily during the wall construction to deal with the threats from the enemies.

Answer: False. (Nehemiah did not leave; he stayed and continued the work until the wall was completed.)



Nehemiah Chapter 7 mentions that Nehemiah took a census of the Israelites who had returned from captivity in Babylon and recorded their genealogies in detail.

Answer: True. (Reference: v.7:5-64)



Nehemiah Chapter 8 mentions that the people were very joyful after hearing the words of the Law.

Answer: False. (The people wept when they heard the words of the Law because they realised their sins. Reference: v.8:9)



Nehemiah Chapter 9 mentions that the Israelites confessed their sins and renewed their covenant with God, writing down their commitment to repentance.

Answer: True. (Reference: v.9:2, 38)



Nehemiah Chapter 10 mentions that the Israelites committed to giving a tenth of their produce each year to the poor in their local community.

Answer: False. (Reference: v.10:37)



Nehemiah Chapter 11 mentions that everyone who was chosen to live in Jerusalem willingly accepted this decision.

Answer: False. (Not everyone volunteered; some were chosen by casting lots, though the people blessed those who willingly offered to live in Jerusalem. Reference: v.11:1-2)



Nehemiah Chapter 12 mentions that Nehemiah led the second choir procession, marching on the wall towards the Gate of the Guard and stopped there.

Answer: False. (Nehemiah followed the procession. Reference: v.12:38-39)



Nehemiah Chapter 13 mentions that during his governance, Nehemiah strictly observed the Sabbath, not allowing anyone to work or trade on that day.

Answer: True. (Reference: v.13:19-22)



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